— Santa Bunny —

It was 6th December. The Killer Bunny was waiting for Santa Claus, he didn't even eat that day, becouse he thought that Santa will bring him a huge amount of human body. He was so fuckin' hungry, so he was looking for some remainder from Halloween. He found some legs, but they were smelly. He threw it away. Suddenly, he heard a noise from the funnel. Sant has arrived! He was inpatient, and he watched all the moves that Saint Miklós made. But, Santa had to disappoint the rabbit. He pulled a lots of... coal of his bag. The Rabbit had homicidal feelings, and he attacked Santa. He bited him on his arm, on his leg, and on his dick too. He ate Santa, but he put some legs in the cooler, if the little Jesus would fuck with him.

Killer Bunny © BBNB
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