The begining of the Killer Bunny

Once upon a time, on a big, big hill, in the forest, a beautifull bunny decided to go to the lake. The bunny found a painted egg, and decided to search for more. He was very happy. He went further and further and one moment, he realised, that he's lost. He was very frightened, and he's beginned to go back. Suddenly, he heard a strange noise. He went in the way of the noise, and he saw the ice king and the witch FIGHTING. He wanted to fight too. He felt like killing somebody, so he looked for a victim. He named himself "Killer Bunny". In the way to home, he saw a big boy, who grabbed a girl bunny, and he wanted to cook her. The killer bunny went in action, and bited the boy in the dick. The killer bunny saved the girl rabbit and they falled in love. They built a house and ate carrot cakes. In the end, they killed people together.

Killer Bunny © BBNB
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